by Spanish Lessons with Mrs. Hall
Price: 250 points or $2.5 USD
Subjects: language,nativelanguage,ela,reading,phonics,instructionalRussian,nativeSpanish
Grades: 14,13,1,2,3
Description: Gracias por estar aquí! Thank you for the support! Sílabas con la letra S, Sa, Se, Si, So, y Su. I included directions as well. They are in Spanish. This deck has 25 digital cards. Each syllable has 5 words with the syllable. They all have sound. When students click the kid's faces, will hear the syllable. In every card, there is the option of Home and Next to move on to the next card. Sa (sapo, sandía, sala, sal y satrén) Se (serpiente, seis, semillas, señor y serrucho) Si (silla, silabato, sirena, siete y silencio) So (sopa, sombrero, sol, sofá y sonrisa) Su (submarino, subir, sumas, supermercado y suéter) If you have any questions or suggestions please let me know! Thank you again and have a wonderful day! ~Happy Learning