TEENS Social and behavior scenarios open ended and multiple choice SET 2

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by Miss D's autism homeroom

Price: 400 points or $4 USD

Subjects: speech

Grades: 6,7,8,9,10

Description: This deck targets social and behavior skills by having students analyze 12 different social and behavioral interactions that specifically related to TEENS. Students are presented with 12 different scenarios. For each scenario, students are to read and use both the information presented in the text, along with any additional clues in the accompanying pictures to answer a series of social and behavioral questions. Skills targeted include: -Making inferences -Perspective-taking -Identifying emotions -Reading non-verbal cues -Identifying expected and unexpected behaviors for a given situation -Assessing and predicting social/behavioral responses. This particular deck is SET 2 (of 2 sets) and contains both multiple choice and open ended responses. This deck contains the same multiple choice questions as found in the deck, ‘TEENS social and behavior multiple choice SET 2,' though an additional 3-4 cards containing multiple choice questions for each of the 12 social/behavioral scenarios have been added. You can also find this deck in a bundle here: https://wow.boomlearning.com/store/bundle/yaMgzWQ3AnAaD5GfH