Tag Questions

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by Rike Neville

Price: 700 points or $7 USD

Subjects: ela,eslGrammar,englishSecondLanguage,elaLanguageGrammar

Grades: 10,11,12,15

Description: ESL adults enjoy using tag questions in their speech because there is just something about using tag questions that makes English learners feel like they are more fluent, more like a native speaker. This boom deck is perfect supplemental material for the students who like to practice their grammar with lots of drilling but also enjoy a more interactive format. Sentences were crafted for adults, but are not inappropriate for younger learners. TEN types of questions ensure that students are not mindlessly writing answers--they'll have to think. Each question type has a different background to make it easy for you to choose which question types you want to assign to your students and which you prefer to eliminate. Students will * correct the error * choose the correct tag question * tag a statement * write the missing word * choose the best statement * choose the best tag * answer the tag question * match statements and their question tags * switch positive & negative * unscramble the tag question This deck is based on my Tag Questions for Simple Tenses Task Cards and my Tag Questions for Progressive Tenses Task Cards on TpT.