Short i vs. Long E Auditory Discrimination Same or Different?

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by Rike Neville

Price: 325 points or $3.25 USD

Subjects: ela,speech,englishSecondLanguage,eslPronunciation,adultSpeech,phonology

Grades: 10,11,12,15

Description: Adult ESL students who use the short i sound when the long e is needed or vice versa can more easily correct this when they can HEAR the difference. For that, they need practice. For each card, students will hear a word pair. They must identify whether they've heard the SAME word twice or two DIFFERENT words. They can also click on the short i sound icon or the long e sound icon to hear just those sounds in isolation. As with all my decks, I made this one with adult students in mind. It will not appeal to young learners. I based this deck on a worksheet in my Short i vs. Long E pronunciation resource available in my TpT store.