Basic Conjunctions

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Price: 900 points or $9 USD

Subjects: ela,specialed

Grades: 0

Description: Conjunctions join two clauses or two sentences and they become one • But shows the difference or the opposite e.g. Petite but mean. • Because gives a reason e.g. school is out because we are on spring break • So, gives the result or the outcome e.g. she is angry so she goes for a run. In this deck of 30 cards, students practice using basic conjunctions. They begin by dragging and dropping the conjunctions, because, but, or so when joining two sentences. Once they get a grasp on using these basic conjunctions, students will be asked to unscramble words to create sentences that are joined once again by the conjunctions because, but, or so. The students will then be challenged to expand a given sentence and conjunction by adding additional words. This deck is being created with students with Autism in mind who are currently at this functional level. Students will receive audio on each card