Resume Builder

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by Speech Cabin

Price: 200 points or $2 USD

Subjects: edtech,career,speech,cognition,cognitionExecutiveFunctioning,adultSpeech,lifeSkills

Grades: 9,10,11,12,15

Description: Your students need a resume...but how to get started? This tool helps them think through the 5 most important sections of a resume. By the time they have completed filling out the answers in this tool, they will have a resume written! Also can be used with adults who have had cognitive events (stroke, TBI) to help them recall past jobs, hobbies, and interests. FAQ: Can I print out a finished resume? At this time, Boom Cards does not have the functionality to print out a completed resume, but by taking a screen shot of each page, or cutting and pasting each answer into a separate document, you can have your own resume crafted by the time you finish this deck!