Price: 300 points or $3 USD
Subjects: speech,games,receptiveLanguage,expressiveLanguage,englishSecondLanguage
Grades: 1,2,3
Description: The twins are getting ready for the big MONSTER TRUCK rally. Which twin will be the first to build their MONSTER TRUCK? Beware of Engine Light Warnings. That will slow somebody down. Let's get Ready to Rumble!!! Use this game to work on over 30 vocabulary sets (Fruits & vegetables, farm & zoo animals, road & water vehicles, bedroom & kitchen, pets & pet things, outside toys & playground, accessories, setting the table, opposites, occupations, things in the sky, bathroom & livingroom, parts of a house, insects & crawlies, baby things, shopping, beach things, birthday, face parts, body parts, verbs, rainy days, all about hair, school things, summer & winter fun, Halloween costumes, forest animals, & camping, everyday clothes, musical instruments, hurt or sick, ocean creatures, fast food & treats)