Leprechaun Bingo: Articulation Practice R, S, L & blends

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by The Speech Banana

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: specialed

Grades: 13,1,2,3,4

Description: Leprechaun Bingo is a fun and engaging way to get those 100+ trials completed! This deck includes target stimuli to practice S, L, & R in all positions. S-blends, L-blends, and R-blends are also included in this deck. HOW TO PLAY: 1) Select the target deck you would like to play from the choices: R, S, or L 1) Discard each Bingo tile as indicated on the card while practicing target sounds. 2) Click the thumbs up or thumbs down to indicate a BINGO (3 pots of gold in a row = BINGO) and select SUBMIT on the right side of the deck to hear the sound indicating correct or incorrect. (NOTE: You may move to the next card without selecting the SUBMIT button by tapping the NEXT button.) 3) Move to the next card by selecting the green NEXT button or exit to the MAIN MENU card by selecting EXIT. 270 stimulus pictures included in this deck! Enjoy & Always Have Fun! Jenn Saliba - The Speech Banana ©2020 The Speech Banana & Jenn Saliba