Present Progressive Sentences Set 1 w Audio

by Speech Your Mind

Price: 375 points or $3.75 USD

Subjects: ela,speech,expressiveLanguage

Grades: 13,1,2,3,4

Description: Present Progressive Sentences Drag & Drop : Set 1 Real Photos Audio is designed to target the oral formulation of present progressive sentences. Many students have difficulty including the correct pronoun, auxiliary, and/or the word ending -ing. The Drag & Drop format helps to highlight each part of speech or morphological marker to formulate a grammatically correct, basic sentence. Awesome real-life photographs allow versatility and use with a variety of age ranges. Audio is available as another modality and source of repetition; click the headphones for this feature. The deck includes 2 levels: Level 1: Drag & Drop with Color Coding Each part of speech is color coded to provide a visual cue for a simpler task. Level 2: Drag & Drop without Color Coding Each part of speech is not color coded for a more challenging task. Verbs in Set 1: fly, hug, shake, crawl, laugh, listen, bounce, play, paint, swing, work, talk, kick, jump, throw - 15 Total Present Progressive Sentences