Social Perspective Taking

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by OCDC Speech

Price: 500 points or $5 USD

Subjects: speech

Grades: 2,3,4,5,6

Description: Social Perspective Deck! Great for elementary school age kids. So much to cover! 1. Naming the Emotion: happy, excited, shy, angry, confident, unsure, frightened, disgusted, and disappointed. 2. What was the clue- teach how to read non-verbal cues with selection or open ended discussions. 3. Identify the problem 4. What is the size of the problem? 5. What is a reasonable solution? 6. What else could you do? Extensions: -Can you imitate that emotion? -When have you felt this way and how did you handle it? -Role play or use video modeling to act out the situation Thank you so much for your purchase! Love any feedback: