
deck thumbnail

by Teacher Tam

Price: 150 points or $1.5 USD

Subjects: math

Grades: 3

Description: Your students will have so much fun "driving" these cars around town! Each page has 4 cars with multiplication problems. Students must solve the multiplication problem on each car. Then, they must "drive" each car to the building with the correct product. This deck has 20 pages with 4 multiplication problems on each, for a total of 80 multiplication problems! I hope your students have fun "driving" around the town! NOTE: This deck plays the cards in order, so the problems get progressively more difficult. To assign ONLY a few of the cards, go to your Boom library. Under the icon for this deck, you will see a small button that says "action." Click on that button and choose "custom play settings." Then, click on the word "default" after "number of cards per play." A blank will appear. You can type in the number of cards you would like to assign to the student. This deck addresses the following CCSS for third grade math: 3.OA.A.4 and 3.OA.C.7.