Auditory Memory Activity with Shapes and Colors Level 1 – Train Your Brain

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by Colleen's Cosmic Collection

Price: 500 points or $5 USD

Subjects: ot,math,shapes,mathElementary,specialed,developmentalSkills,lifeSkills

Grades: 14,13,1

Description: Need an auditory activity that will be fun and engaging? This no prep digital Boom Cards brain exercise activity is perfect for practicing listening and thinking skills and developing auditory memory! Your kiddos will be able to practice shapes and colours while listening to and remembering instructions which they will need to follow. This mind game activity can be used for distance or hybrid learning - or face to face teaching! Save 20% on this resource with my Auditory Memory with Shapes and Colours Bundle! Click on the "Related" tab to find it! How this Auditory Memory Activity works: Students will be given an auditory instruction, telling them to put something in a basket. The students then move to the next card and need to drag a shape into the basket that fits the description in the instruction they were given. Initially they are told either what shape OR what color item to put in the basket. They can choose any item that fits the instruction they have been given. The students are required to remember only one thing – EITHER a shape OR a colour. After a while, the instructions become more specific – they get told the shape AND color of the item they must put in the basket. There will now only be one possible correct item for them to place in the basket. The difficulty increases as the students are now required to remember two things – BOTH a shape AND a colour. In this level, students are only expected to remember one item that they must place in the basket.