3rd Grade Snowmen Two-Step Problems

deck thumbnail

by Teaching Ideas 4u by Amy Mezni

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: math

Grades: 3

Description: This set of Boom Cards includes 2 different sets of 12 two-step word problems designed for 3rd grade. The deck is set up so students only play one deck at a time. They select either deck 1 or deck 2 on the first page. The questions are self-correcting and provide immediate feedback to students. How does the deck work? As students answer the questions correctly, they build a snowman. After each correct answer, another piece is added onto the snowman. After the 12th question, the snowman is completed. The deck directs students back to the same question to try again if they first select an incorrect response. When students return to the question, the incorrect selection remains marked out, so students can choose from the other possible answers. This ensures that all students will complete the snowman at the end of the deck. Building the snowman adds an incentive to keep trying so they can see how their snowman looks!