Music Ear Training - Eighth Notes, Ties, Syncopation

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by Melody Payne - Music for a Lifetime

Price: 400 points or $4 USD

Subjects: music,musicBand,musicChoir,musicOrchestra,musicPiano,musicElementarySkills

Grades: 6,7,8,9,10

Description: These 20 ear training music task cards help students test their aural skills by listening to rhythms and melodies, and distinguishing differences between two similar examples. All examples in this deck are in 4/4 time and include eighth notes, quarter notes, half notes, and ties, as well as syncopation. A drum will establish the beat for each example before the melody plays. Students will listen to the short musical example and tap the one that matches what they hear. Cards are randomized so that each time a student plays the game, the cards will be in a different order. This deck was created for a piano student in Alfred's Premier Piano Course Book 3, but can be used by anyone who wants to improve their listening skills. Sophisticated watercolor flowers make this deck especially suitable for older students. Perfect for online piano lessons, music class, ear training & aural skills class, music theory class, distance learning, and much more!