Build a Sentence with WH Parts (Speech Therapy)

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by Alie B SLP

Price: 650 points or $6.5 USD

Subjects: speech,ela,language,specialed

Grades: 1,2,3,4,5

Description: This Boom deck give students the opportunity to practice building grammatically correct sentences and matching/using various WH components to describe picture stimuli. *Real photos! 56 cards total (including home/menu card for navigation) -25 cards target who, what doing, where (subject + action + location) within sentences. -20 cards target various combinations of who, what doing, where, when, why within sentences. -10 cards allow students to type their own responses to fill in the boxes to create a grammatically correct sentence that contains each target sentence component (e.g. when + who + what doing + where) to describe the picture. Enjoy!