AAC Core and Fringe Word Visual Scenes: Home

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by Speechie Side Up

Price: 400 points or $4 USD

Subjects: speech

Grades: 14,13,1,2,3

Description: Visual scene displays (VSDs) can help emergent AAC users learn vocabulary in context. Most AAC systems use grid-based displays, but VSDs can also be beneficial for some students with AAC needs. VSDs reduce cognitive demands and support social interactions by using highly contextualized AAC displays with voice output. Much of the research on VSDs has been conducted by Light et al., including a study that found typically developing children perform better with VSDs compared to symbolic grid displays when learning language concepts (2004, 2019). Of course, there are many factors to consider when choosing an AAC system, like motor planning and ease of access so VSDs might not always be a good fit. However, VSDs can certainly be used to supplement language concepts alongside an assigned AAC device that uses a grid-based display. That is why I created this Core and Fringe Word Visual Scenes Boom Card resource to help teach common nouns and functional words associated with the home environment. There are two activities in this resource that allow students to learn new vocabulary in context: Activity 1 - These visual scenes teach common nouns, or fringe words, that you might find in each room. Activity 2 - These visual scenes teach functional vocabulary, or core words, that can be used in each room. Core words included: in, on, off, need, look, open, put Fringe words are common household items