Life Skills - Airport - Travel - Independent Living - Adaptive Skills - Special Education

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by Life Skills Creations

Price: 500 points or $5 USD

Subjects: edtech,technicalLearning,ela,speech,specialed,Special Autism,lifeSkills

Grades: 2,3,4,5,6

Description: This interactive activity helps students practice the skills needed while checking in for flights at an airport kiosk. Many special education students struggle knowing how to complete tasks like these, and are therefore reliant on others to help them with this process. If you are looking for an interactive lesson that has students simulate what it is like to do it on their own, this activity brings learning to life. Students read the prompts on the screen and then press the buttons on the kiosk to make the right selection. They will practice things like entering confirmation numbers and last names correctly, as well as making requests for basic seat changes, Students get immediate feedback for each entry. A total of FIVE check in scenarios are included in this download.