Bilingual | Apraxia | Digging for Dinosaur Bones

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by Bilingual Speechie

Price: 500 points or $5 USD

Subjects: speech,language

Grades: 15

Description: Dig for dinosaur bones! This interactive activity focuses on improving your student's production of certain syllable shapes. The activity comes in English and Spanish and will allow your student to work on 4 different syllable shapes in each language. Instructions: -Select the language that you want to work in -Select the syllable shape that you want your student to work on -Have your student drag his/her finger or mouse in the dirt. -Your student will need to complete the dinosaur image on the right of the screen by finding all of the missing bones in the dirt -Your student will also come across certain target words in the dirt. -When your student finds a word, drag and place it on the space at the bottom of the card -He/she will have to say each word 10x and will earn a dinosaur for each production. -Drag the dinosaur image onto the boxes for each production Syllable shapes included: (note: this activity includes a variety of phonemes for each of syllable shape listed) Spanish (note: some images will have the words included because the pictures may not be as obvious) CV, CVV, VCV, CVCV English CV, VC, CVC, CVCV