Valentines Day Subtraction to 20 with Ten Frames Valentine's

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by Math Through Games

Price: 220 points or $2.2 USD

Subjects: math,holiday,valentinesDay,mathElementary,operationsAndAlgebraicThinking,countingAndCardinality,games

Grades: 1,2

Description: Valentine's Day Subtraction to 20 with Ten Frames | Subtracting Numbers to 20 Valentine's Day Activities | First Grade Math Subtraction to 20 with Ten Frames Valentines Day Activities • Students will practice subtraction facts within 20 using ten frames. • Students will use the images to help solve the subtraction problems. • The questions are randomized in this themed deck to ensure re-playability as each play is a different game. • Interactive, No Prep, Self-Grading, Paperless! Common Core State Standards: 1.OA.C.5, 1.OA.C.6