Valentine's Day Speech Therapy Social Language Activity

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by Stacy Crouse

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: speech,holiday,valentinesDay,socialAspectsOfCommunication,pragmatics

Grades: 1,2,3,4,5

Description: This Valentine's Day deck of Boom Cards™ is an interactive speech therapy activity to target the social language skill of maintaining conversations by responding to others with comments and questions. 12 realistic, two-part social situations are provided: ✅ On the first card for each situation are pictures of 2 people, with one person saying something to the other. The student selects the most appropriate or relevant short response (from a field of 3 candy heart choices). ✅ On the second card for each situation, the student identifies a longer response by typing a comment or question into a text box. Cut back on planning and prep by using this one activity across your caseload! ✅ The MATURE GRAPHICS appeal to students of all ages. ✅ TWO LEVELS of difficulty are embedded within the activity. ✅ Relatable and FUNCTIONAL SCENARIOS interest students. ✅ Target any number of SPEECH THERAPY GOALS, including: ⭐ Identifying appropriate responses in a situation ⭐ Maintaining topic in a conversation using a variety of comments & questions ⭐ Considering the perspective and feelings of others ⭐ Formulating grammatically correct sentences and questions ⭐ Articulation and fluency carryover Grab this easy, no-prep activity to use for Valentine's Day (and beyond!) with slightly older students. This deck of Boom Cards will prompt lots of discussions and provide lots of practice for speech and language students of many ages.