Letter Match in the Pumpkin Patch: Alphabet Letters A-M

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by Lessons for Little Ones by Tina O'Block

Price: not for individual sale

Subjects: ela

Grades: 14,13

Description: Letter Match in the Pumpkin Patch is a fun and festive way for your students to practice letter recognition and for you to easily assess their letter mastery. Students will have fun visiting the pumpkin patch, listening to the audio directions (listening skills practice!), and "picking" the correct pumpkins by dragging and dropping them into the cart. Students must pick both the uppercase and lowercase version of the letter. ***Be sure to tell them they should have 2 pumpkins in the cart before hitting the Submit button.*** Students receive immediate feedback which is a great motivator! (If they pick 2 correct pumpkins they get to advance to the next pumpkin patch. If they have incorrect pumpkins in the cart, the incorrect pumpkins are put back in the pumpkin patch and the students hear an "oops!" message.) Perfect for small group or whole group instruction, literacy centers, fall party stations, assessment, morning work, extra practice, etc!