Run-Ons, Fragments, & Complete Sentences

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by Kirsten's Kaboodle

Price: 350 points or $3.5 USD

Subjects: ela

Grades: 3,4,5

Description: This deck includes practice to help your students with identifying run-ons, fragments, and complete sentences. This deck includes anchor charts and task cards that are created for 3rd-5th grade. This run-ons, fragments, and complete sentences deck includes: 35 task cards (11 anchor charts with explanations and examples of run-ons, fragments, and complete sentences. As well as 24 task cards to practice identifying run-ons, fragments, and complete sentences). • Task cards 1-11 are instructional pages with explanations and examples of run-ons, fragments, and complete sentences. • Task cards 12-23 are multiple-choice where your students choose whether the sentence is a sentence fragment, complete sentence, or a run-on sentence. • Task cards 24-35 are multiple-choice where your students choose a sentence that is written correctly.