Sorting Laundry Life Skills Tasks

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by Aimee Walton

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: ela,speech,adultSpeech,cognition,expressiveLanguage,receptiveLanguage

Grades: 8,9,10,11,12

Description: In this Boom Card deck, there is something for every student to work on from sorting dirty and clean clothing, sorting by whites snd colors, and sorting by putting clothing in the dresser or closet. Page 1 is the menu card where students or teachers can select which activity they want to work on. The following activities are included: -Sorting by Dirty & Clean Clothes -Sorting by Whites & Colored Clothing -Sorting by Dresser & Closet This is a wonderful way for middle school, high school, and young adults to practice life skills in activities of daily living.