Spanish Sports Vocabulary Los Deportes Story

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by SrtaSpanish

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: language

Grades: 9,10,11,12

Description: This short reading is a great way to practice sports vocabulary in Spanish with your students! This resource includes a short reading about a boy who has to get ready for a game, but is missing his gear written in comprehensible language. The reading includes vocabulary supports at the bottom of the page to help your students be successful. The reading includes: ❁ high frequency verbs ❁ stem changing verbs - piensa, empieza, encuentra, puede, quiere ❁ telling time ❁ sports & equipment vocabulary - partido, bate, guante, casco, gorra ❁ Recording for students to listen as they read ❁ Vocabulary support in the form of footnotes ❁ The reading is written in PRESENT TENSE