Solar Eclipse Speech Therapy Activities

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by Stacy Crouse

Price: 700 points or $7 USD

Subjects: expressiveLanguage,receptiveLanguage,articulation

Grades: 4,5,6,7

Description: Teach students about a solar eclipse in speech therapy with this passage and activities set! Engage students with new information to help them learn about this exciting event then do several activities related to this special day. Start the lesson with a passage providing a simplified explanation of solar eclipses (with pictures and spanning 3 cards). Then complete one or more activities to target more specific speech therapy goals: ✅ Answer multiple-choice COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS (6 cards). ✅ Answer open-ended INFERENCING QUESTIONS (5 cards). ✅ Identify the meaning of WORD PARTS (prefixes, suffixes, base words) (5 cards) used in the solar eclipse passage. ✅ Identify SYNONYMS & ANTONYMS of words in the passage (6 cards). ✅ Complete sentences using PAST TENSE VERBS (5 cards). ✅ Practice specific ARTICULATION sounds by CREATING solar eclipses for each target (including /f, v/, /s/ & /s/ blends, /z/, /th/, /sh, ch, j/, /l/ and /l/ blends, /r/ and /r/ blends) (50 cards). One deck for your whole caseload! Given the variety of speech therapy activities, you'll find something for each student for the perfect solar eclipse-themed session. This deck is ideal for upper elementary and middle school students but may be adapted for other ages and grade levels. This relevant topic will pique your students' interest so you can target their goals effortlessly in speech therapy. Utilize clickable buttons, fillable text boxes, and movable pieces to keep the activities interesting.