Price: 250 points or $2.5 USD
Subjects: games,specialed,ot,visualPerception,playSkills,autism,counting
Grades: 14,13,1
Description: Fun with numbers; NUMBER CONCEPTS (1-10). is a fun digital activity compiled by an occupational therapist to develop number sense in young learners (age 4 to 8). Number sense is a group of skills that allow kids to work with numbers. The resource includes skills such as: · Understanding quantities. · Ability to rote count · Form numbers correctly · Grasping concepts like more and less, and larger and smaller. · Understanding symbols that represent quantities (7 means the same thing as seven). · Making number comparisons (10 is greater than 7) · Understanding the order of numbers in a list: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. This fun activity aims to consolidate number concepts ( 1 to 10) and understanding symbols and objects represent quantities. 20 Task cards included. Also forms part of the Number Concept Bundle