Feed a Spider Articulation, Apraxia, and Phonology for Fall Speech Therapy

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by Communication Window

Price: 250 points or $2.5 USD

Subjects: speech

Grades: 14,13,1,2

Description: Feed the Spider Interactive Drag and Drop for Speech Therapy Students with Apraxia, Phonological Disorders, and Articulation Disorders. On each card, drag 10 flies with the target syllable shape/sound into the spider's mouth! Make it a game by pairing it with an online spinner to see who can feed all the flies first. Targets are: CV VC CVCV C1V1C2V2 3 Syllable Words K Initial K Final G Initial G Final SM Initial SN Initial SP Initial L Blends S Initial S Final SH Initial SH Final TH Initial F Initial F Final R Initial R Final