
deck thumbnail

by Kirsten's Kaboodle

Price: 350 points or $3.5 USD

Subjects: ela

Grades: 3,4,5,6

Description: These onomatopoeia task cards are perfect for students learning about figures of speech. You will find common onomatopoeia words and the corresponding things or animals that those sounds come from. These onomatopoeia task cards are perfect for 3rd-6th grade students. This onomatopoeia deck includes: 34 task cards (2 onomatopoeia instructional pages and 32 onomatopoeia task cards with a variety of questions). • Task cards 3-18 your students will first tap the onomatopoeia and then they will choose from multiple-choice answers, what was making that sound in each statement. • Task cards 19- 26 are multiple-choice answers, where your students will choose the onomatopoeia word that should go with the action happening. • Task cards 27- 34 are drag and drop questions where your students will drag and drop the best onomatopoeia into each statement.