Digital Token Boards

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by BIAS Behavioral

Price: 600 points or $6 USD

Subjects: specialed

Grades: 15

Description: A token board is a visual tool, which provides children with positive reinforcement and promotes behavior change. When implementing a token economy system, a generalized reinforcer (token) follows the desired behavior. Once all the tokens are collected, they are exchanged for a tangible reward. A token economy system can increase motivation, teach delayed gratification, and encourage behavioral self-monitoring. These digital token boards are fully customizable. There are three board sizes with 3, 5, or 10 spots to put tokens, six reinforcer options (one being an editable text box), and four generic token styles, resulting in 72 different combinations. The initial pages of the product will prompt you to set up your custom board. There is a home button on each token board, allowing for easy navigation. NOTE: If you want to reuse a specific board with a student during a session, don’t hit submit, simply move the tokens off the board and begin again.