Understanding Place Value

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by Mathcapades with Amy Griffith

Price: 275 points or $2.75 USD

Subjects: math

Grades: 3,4

Description: Interactive Self-Checking task cards are a great way to practice understanding Place Value. You will be able to easily and quickly check and assess student understanding of this 3rd and 4th grade place value skill. These task cards contain mostly higher level questions. For example, students will understand that 35 tens = 350. This deck of 30 cards features practice of understanding up to six digit numbers. All questions are open response. Use this deck for: * Whole Group Practice Activity * Small Group * Independent Work * Interventions * Math Stations This set of 30 cards covers: Place Value, Expanded Form, Base Ten Form, Standard Form, Regrouping with Place Value TEKs 3.2A, 3.2B 4.2A, 4.2B