Le transport French Transportation Reader

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by Speak Up Language Learners

Price: 250 points or $2.5 USD

Subjects: language,nativeFrenchCanadian,nativeFrench,nativelanguage,instructionalFrenchCanadian,instructionalFrench

Grades: 14,13,1,2

Description: This is a simple interactive French story about transportation. There is audio for each page for students to listen while they read. The story is made up of 23 cards. Audio recorded by a native speaker from France. Methods of transportation included are: la voiture, le camion, l’hélicoptère, le vélo, le train, le bus, le bateau, l’avion, la moto et la fusée. The next 20 cards with audio give students practice with identifying the methods of transportation. Students are asked questions such as Est-ce que c’est un bateau? Students click on Oui or Non to answer the questions.