Bible story reading: The true Christmas story 1 - The prophecy and birth of Jesus (with audio).

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by Godly Pearls

Price: 0 points or $0 USD

Subjects: religion,christianity

Grades: 2,3,4

Description: This Bible story is titled “The True Christmas Story 1 - The prophecy and birth of Jesus". The story introduces Mary who was engaged to be married to Joseph. It continues with Angel Gabriel's visit to Mary, Mary's visit to Elizabeth, Mary and Joseph travelling to Bethlehem to be counted, the birth of Jesus in a manger, angels announcing His birth to shepherds, the shepherds visiting Baby Jesus and announcing the birth to everyone they met. This 15-page interactive bible task cards is designed to encourage learners to learn more about the events surrounding the birth of Jesus and its significance. Kids will love listening to this bible story again and again and learn lots of valuable lessons from the story.