Rhyming Words

deck thumbnail

by Gneiss Corner

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: ela

Grades: 14,13,1

Description: This activity is a fun way to practice rhyming! Students find the two words that rhyme and drag the stars to cover their answer. This deck includes CVC, CVCe, Long vowel, and Diphthong words. This deck is INCLUDED in the Math and Literacy Bundle. Please don't purchase this if you already own the bundle. Words included: -at: rat, bat -am: ham, ram -en: hen, pen -ed: bed, wed -in: fin, pin -ip: lip, tip -ob: bob, cob -og: dog, log -un: bun, nun -ug: mug, rug -ake: bake, lake -ame: game, same -ace: face, race -ite: bite, kite -ime: dime, lime -ice: dice, mice -one: bone, cone -obe: lobe, robe -ube: cube, tube -une: dune, tune -ail: jail, mail -ar: car, jar -ay: ray, hay -ee: three, tree -ie: pie, tie -y: cry, sky -oat: coat, goat -ow: row, blow -oil: boil, soil -ue: clue, glue