Peg Articulation Game Activity for Older Students

deck thumbnail

by Stacy Crouse

Price: 500 points or $5 USD

Subjects: speech,games,articulation,adultSpeech

Grades: 5,6,7,8,9

Description: This peg game is a simple and fun deck of BOOM CARDS™ that will help you maximize articulation trials with older students in speech therapy! It's also a great way to quickly collect baseline or progress data, as each word position, consonant blend, and vocalic /r/ has its own card! This game is easy to teach and learn, and uses strategy to motivate older students that are often bored with most other speech therapy activities! As students practice their specific target sound (in single words or phrases or sentences that they generate), they eliminate as many pegs as they can. Use the clickable menu card to quickly navigate to the exact sound/blend/word position that you’d like to target. The pegs can be moved by the student, or they can reference the numbers on the pegs as you play (for students in teletherapy without remote mouse control). This activity can be used... ✅ To elicit a lot of articulation TRIALS during therapy ✅ In any SETTING (teletherapy or in-person ✅ As a HOMEWORK assignment ✅ To REINVIGORATE students that have become bored in speech therapy ✅ To collect baseline or progress monitoring DATA There are 98 cards of play, which means many sounds/blends have multiple cards. Play the game while practicing each word by itself or in a phrase or sentence. Target each student's specific articulation goal!