Gingerbread Alphabet Spinner Activities

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by Books and Giggles

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: ela,foundationalSkills,christmas

Grades: 14,13

Description: These FUN gingerbread alphabet activities help students differentiate between easily confused letters and practice matching lowercase letters to uppercase letters. Each card is packed full of fun, with 8 different letters to find and match. For each group of letters, there are 3 types of activities. Each one begins with spinning a gingerbread spinner by pressing play and pause on the spinner video. Activity 1: Put the cookies on the cookie sheet Activity 2: Help the cookies escape from the cookie jar Activity 3: Gingerbread house board game - this activity isn't scored - it is just for fun practice. As you can see in the preview, there is a video explaining each type of activity. All 26 letters are covered, with a few repeats to make an even 8 letters per group. Won't these be so much fun for your gingerbread unit!