Scientific Measurement

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by Dr. Yemothy

Price: 450 points or $4.5 USD

Subjects: science

Grades: 6,7,8,9

Description: This 100-card deck is designed to challenge your students on their scientific measurement skills and knowledge including reading and marking measurements using general science equipment and a metric ruler. Working with the 6 common science measurement tools, these cards provide a variety of practice identifying volume, mass, length, and temperatures. Recommend teacher reviews ALL cards and “hides” the cards not needed for a specific lesson or study activity. Deck could be set organized multiple ways for repeat use for building skills and knowledge by using the “hide” feature of Boom Learning. Cards activities include drag and drop cards, fill in the blank, and multiple-choice activities. Type of measurement practice included in this deck: • Metric Ruler – reading, marking, and using to measure shapes in millimeters (mm) • Graduated Cylinder – reading and marking using milliliters (mL) • Thermometer – reading temperatures in degrees Fahrenheit • Triple Beam Balance – reading and using to weight mass in grams (g) • Spring Scale – reading mass in grams (g)