Rhythm Activities: Pumpkin Patch

deck thumbnail

by Dr. Stafford

Price: 201 points or $2.01 USD

Subjects: art

Grades: 1,2

Description: Students often have difficulty distinguishing between "beat" and "rhythm". With this Boomcard deck, your students can find tricks to help them with beat and rhythm, using quarter note/eighth note patterns, with an autumn feel. Your kids can go with Sally as she goes pumpkin hunting. There are several various opportunities for the students to sing the song through various activities. The recording is accompanied by a drumbeat to help the students get an inner beat feel. All directions are written and recorded. Students progress through ♩ an initial song hearing ♩ beat activities ♩ beat/rhythm comparisons ♩ rhythm notation ♩ removing beat visuals while students perform the beat. ♩ Moving to higher depths of knowledge by transferring rhythmic knowledge to new quarter note/eighth note patterns.