Phonics - Listen & Spell - Digraphs

deck thumbnail

by Whimsy Workshop Teaching

Price: 300 points or $3 USD

Subjects: ela

Grades: 13,1,2

Description: In this deck, students drag letters from the bottom of the screen to spell the word that matches the picture shown. The process is self-correcting so, when they submit, students can immediately see which letters are correct and which need to be fixed. There are two different sets of 31 digraph word cards in this deck. In the first set of 31 cards, the word is partially spelled and students need to choose only the digraph. Focusing on only the digraph allows teachers to focus their assessment on this specific skill. In the second BONUS set, the same 31 cards are repeated and students are challenged to spell the entire word. The second bonus set is optional for early finishers. Differentiation option: On both levels, students can click the speaker icon to hear an audio recording of the word ("The word is ______.") Word List chain chair chalk chest bench torch watch shark sheep shell shirt shoe brush cash dish fish three thorn thumb tooth sloth moth bath whale wheat wheel whisk phase phone photo graph