Forming Word Relationships: Definitions - What's the Password?

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by Speech Club Publications

Price: not for individual sale

Subjects: speech

Grades: 0

Description: Describe It! - A What’s the Password Guessing Game is intended to increase the formation of strong semantic relationships by providing practice in identifying relevant characteristics or features that distinguish one word from another. It provides practice in describing an object by appearance, salient attributes, category, and subcategory. The game is for 2 players or 2 teams. Players take turns describing each of the pictures. No form of the password, no words that rhyme, and no hand signals or spelling cues are allowed. If a correct guess is made the green check next to each picture is used to mark the score. All correct guesses are worth 25 points. To make the game more challenging the number of clues and guesses can be limited to 5 each or a timer can be set to limit the time allowed for each turn. Describe It! is part of a What's the Password? series targeting word association and word retrieval. By improving the perception of word relationships, automatic associations are more easily activated and in turn accessed from memory. The three game activities focus on forming multiple word associations, understanding distinguishing features, categorizing words, and describing words.