Price: 850 points or $8.5 USD
Subjects: sel,vocabAcquisitionAndUse,speech,socialAspectsOfCommunication,pragmatics,specialed,emotionalAndBehavioralSkills
Grades: 6,7,8,9,10
Description: Social Language Deck for baseline data collection to create IEP goals. Expressive/Receptive assessments for each skill -Emotions -Interpreting Facial Expressions -Social Inferencing -Social Problem Solving -Making Comments/Asking Questions -Idioms **This deck has "open response" options; however, this option does not have to be utilized if you are using this deck with the student. That option was created for clinicians who wanted to allow the students to complete the assessment independently. If you allow them to type their responses on their individual accounts, it will send you a notification to grade their answers. If you should need further materials, please check out my social language materials after using this deck for goal creations. My other decks align with these baselines. If you click on "related" it will take you to my social language bundle, which includes the decks to implement therapy. When you purchase individual decks first to try them out, you receive credit toward the bundles. I hope this deck is helpful to you.😊 Allison