Practicing Positive Self-Talk Using "I Am" Affirmations

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by Limitless Harmonies

Price: 225 points or $2.25 USD

Subjects: sel

Grades: 9,10,11,12,15

Description: Learners have the opportunity to choose (drag & drop) their selected "I Am' affirmation on each card, followed by a card that allows them to engage in self-reflection as part of writing (typing on the card) why they chose a specific affirmative word. Learners also have the opportunity to write their own "I Am" affirmations at the end. These exercises are preceded by three cards explaining what self-talk is, which serves as an opportunity for learners/clients & educators/therapists to engage in conversation about this topic. *The cards where learners/clients choose (drag & drop) their selected affirmation have affirmative words that are synonyms or have similar meanings. This was updated after noticing my clients being hesitant in choosing just one word over another (i.e. creative over happy, etc.). This is also why there are open ended cards at the end so they can write their own affirmations.