Personal space middle and high school, teens

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by Badger State Speechy

Price: 800 points or $8 USD

Subjects: sel,selfAwareness,socialAwareness

Grades: 6,7,8,9,10

Description: A complete personal space set of lessons for middle and high school students. Includes: *self rating and knowledge check with introduction, *personal space vocabulary (definitions, antonyms, synonyms), *space rules by relationships, *consequences of personal space violations, *privacy issues, exceptions, public settings, *how to repair and true false knowledge check. Activities are intertwined within the teaching information as well as the following: *Respect or invasion? 10 slides with multiple questions, *Perspective taking of personal space violations 6 slides, *Problem solving of personal space social situations, 11 slides, and 2 slides review. Learning supports include audio directions, optimized for sight and hearing impairment, scaffolded learning, self rating, knowledge check and content-specific images portraying older students in both photographs and clipart formats.