Cause and Effect Subordinating Conjunctions

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by Coyle's Communication

Price: 350 points or $3.5 USD

Subjects: ela,speech,elaLanguageGrammar

Grades: 4,5,6,7,8

Description: 55 Cards! Coyle's Communication Subordinating Conjunction decks focus on the RELATIONSHIP or reason the words are used. We learn them in groups of words that are used for specific functions. We practice using the words to combine and formulate sentences as well as put mixed up complex sentences together. Last, we tie that together with how those words are used to help us comprehend text. This deck focuses on cause & effect subordinating conjunctions and it also helps you identify the cause or effect as well as sentence repair. You get 4 to 6 practice items in each of the seven areas of this deck- Around 30 practice items in all to work on 6 cause and effect subordinating conjunctions. There is one short story (1 page) with 5 cause/effect comprehension questions. This deck is designed to be taught in about a 30 minute language therapy session. Standard: CCSS.ELA-LITERACY.L.5.1.A Demonstrate command of the conventions of standard English grammar and usage when writing or speaking. b. Explain the function of conjunctions in general and their function in particular sentences. You can bundle and save 20% and get all 5 Subordinating Conjunction decks with 327 Cards. They break it down and focus on each relationship separately and then put them all together in the final deck. If you are interested in your students understanding these words, comprehending them in text, and using complex sentences with ease- these decks are for you! Ms. Coyle MS CCC/SLP