Opposite Adjectives multiple-choice

deck thumbnail

by Rike Neville

Price: 400 points or $4 USD

Subjects: ela,elaLanguageGrammar,englishSecondLanguage,eslGrammar

Grades: 10,11,12,15

Description: Are your adult ESL students increasing their adjective vocabulary? Try opposite adjectives! Once they know the meaning of one, remembering an adjective that means the opposite is easier than learning two new, entirely different adjectives. Give your students some practice with opposite adjectives with this colorful deck! In this deck, students will see an adjective above a related image. From a group of four adjectives, they will select the adjective or adjectives opposite in meaning. I based this deck on a worksheet from my Adjectives Grammar Guide & Worksheets resource sold in my TpT store. Teach adult ESL? You've just hit the JACKPOT! Browse through the hundreds of decks I've made specifically for adult English learners--NOT children.