On topic, close, or off topic? Conversation Activity

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by Badger State Speechy

Price: 400 points or $4 USD

Subjects: speech,pragmatics,socialAspectsOfCommunication

Grades: 5,6,7,8,9

Description: Some students with social communication issues are CLOSE to being on topic, but not quite there. This product is designed to help your students rate when they are on topic, off topic or "close." Close is defined as making a comment or question that may be related to the main idea of the conversation but isn't relevant to the PRIOR comment or question made by the conversation partner. This process aknowledges that there are more feedback options than only "on" or "off" topic. Students use an arrow to drag and drop their rating of the conversation response on a target. If the response was "close" or "off topic" they type in a more relevant response. This product contains a card that can be used to individualize-therapist types in their own conversations and students rate them on the target. Or, therapist types in the first speech bubble and students types in a response. This product is self-graded and uses therapist feedback. There is an audio button that can be pressed to hear both the directions and the conversation exchange. This deck is self-graded. Use the "back" and "next" buttons to navigate the deck.