Vagabond Verbs (Sentence-Level Future Perfect Tense, Irregular Verbs)

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by Speakeasy Speech Pathology

Price: 50 points or $0.5 USD

Subjects: speech,vocabAcquisitionAndUse,knowledgeOfLanguage,conventionsOfStandardEnglish,elaLanguageSpelling,receptiveLanguage,expressiveLanguage

Grades: 14,13,1,2,3

Description: Robbie the Robber needs your help! He's trying to steal some valuable verbs from the museum, but he can't get into the safe! Can you help him by using the right verb endings to open the safe door? Robbie the Robber helps your child learn their way around the confusing world of English verbs. This deck has commonly occurring irregular verbs in English to practice the future perfect tense (will have + irregular past participle). Deck includes the verbs: + Irregular, unique endings: say, make, go, take, come, see, have + Irregular, same root endings: put, cost, set, cut, hit, read + Irregular -ung/-ang endings: ring, sting, sing, fling, swing, hang + Irregular -ought/-aught endings: think, bring, buy, catch, seek, teach + Irregular -t endings: bend, spend, build, send, lend, mean + Irregular remove 'e': bleed, breed, feed, meet, speed, lead + Irregular -en/-n endings: break, choose, freeze, speak, tear, wear Robbie the Robber will allow children to practice the future perfect tense to expand the accuracy of their verb conjugations and increase their vocabulary. What a way to steal the spotlight!