Meat and the Environment - Sustainability LESSON

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by Dynamic Earth Learning

Price: 500 points or $5 USD

Subjects: earthDay,healthPhysEd,science,appliedScience,developingPossibleSolutions,earthAndSpaceScience,humanImpactsOnEarthSystems

Grades: 5,6,7,8,9

Description: Embedded video lesson on first slide! Then students answer 28 questions. Students will learn about the environmental impact of meat production and consumption on a mass scale, including pollution, climate change, and water consumption. The lesson explains how meat production causes pollution through the generation of manure that ends up in surrounding groundwater, lakes, and streams, and how modern factory farming causes climate change through the production of greenhouse gases. The lesson also discusses the amount of water that animal agriculture uses and the need for environmentally-friendly farming practices to reduce the impact of meat production on the environment.