Who, What, Where Questions with Color Prompt

deck thumbnail

by Sunny Valley Speech

Price: 400 points or $4 USD

Subjects: speech,earlyIntervention,receptiveLanguage

Grades: 14,13,1,2,3

Description: The purpose of these decks is to teach students the meaning of basic wh questions using verbal and visual prompts. The students are taught the following: Who questions are blue and are about people and animals. What questions are green and are about things. Where questions are purple and are about places. Each deck has the questions with color-coded backgrounds to help use visual prompts to learn the question form. Each deck also has the questions without the color-coded backgrounds so prompting can be faded. These decks are designed to be taught and used in a certain sequence. The idea is to teach one question by itself and slowly add the other questions. Below is how the decks should sequenced: 1. What with color code 2. What without color code 3. Who with color code 4. Who without color code 5. Who and What with color code 6. Who and What without color code 7. Where with color code 8. Where without color code 9. What, Who, and Where with color code 10. What, Who, and Where without color code