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Price: 365 points or $3.65 USD

Subjects: ela

Grades: 1,3,4,5

Description: After attempting these boom cards students will be able to: • List and identify the properties of conjunctions based on their format and placement. • Identify and classify the conjunction types based on their uses and functions. • Use coordinating or subordinating conjunctions to join clauses or sentence elements. • Implement the properties and the functions of conjunctions to discover their structure with all the attributes. • Exercise error identification to notify the wrong use of conjunctions. • Create sentences with conjunction types to convey specific meanings and add variety and interest to writing. These digital task cards: • Would be great on a Laptop, Desktop, Chromebook or Tablet; • Can be used on any other mobile device that can access the internet; • Can even be used on your Smart Board. These cards are aligned to: CCSS - ELA.LITERACY - L.1.1g, L.1.6, L.3.1h, L.4.2c, L.5.1ae