Price: 150 points or $1.5 USD
Subjects: ela,speech,phonics,phonologicalAwareness,phonology
Grades: 13,1,2
Description: Students practice matching long A vowel teams with this fun paint theme. Words are displayed in the paint sploshes and these can be dragged to the paint bucket vowel team to match. There are 2 words for each vowel team per slide. Deck contains 1 instruction slide 14 activity slides Words included in this deck a_e space, pace, brace, base, bake, cake, cage, crate, Snake, whale, wade, lake, name, safe, fame, stage, fade, cave, tape, skate, grape, lane, place, wage, chase, lace, case, flake, agent, date ay Play, say, ray, hay, pay, tray, today, stay, jay, lay, bay, day, clay, pray, relay, away, gray, may, bray, nay, way, spray, sway, stray, decay, hurray, delay, x-ray, replay, display ai Pail, snail, bail, grain, raise, plain, paint, aid, tail, quail, bait, sail, wait, faint, stain, drain, daisy, mail, trail, braid, frail, paid, raid, vain, hail, waist, claim